Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sao Tome honeymoon package by GO GO STP

Sao Tome honeymoon package by GO GO STP

Be part of a unique adventurous and romantic trip on the exotic island of Sao Tome. You can enjoy irreplaceable, virgin equatorial nature, spiced up with diverse activities according yours and your partners taste.

GoGo Base Camp

Enjoy a morning with a world famous locally produced Sao Tomese coffee, and fresh fruit breacfast on our exceptional view point verandas. Deepen your sight in the horizon and if you are lucky you’ll probably see the whales passing by on eye sight distance. In the evenings our base camp verandas are perfect for observing the stars while having a glass or two. But don’t get too lazy in our cosy resort, because the real adventures outdoor are waiting for you!

Fishing and boat trips

Go Go’s all equipped fishing boat offers a real big game time. You can choose from a full fishing package to half time fishing and boat tours adjusted to your vacation time. You should not miss a tour around the island refreshed with cool fresh fruit cocktails, in combination with snorkelling, swimming and pure relaxation on an exotic scenery background.

Beach and nature

We can offer you an unforgettable open air romantic dinner, on deserted beach with pure sunset colours and if you’re lucky billion- star- sky. You can spend the night in alternative camping site surrounded by the sounds of the mild jungle. You can also chose a cosy bungalow and contribute for the island’s Eco Tourism development. Praya Piscina, Micondo, Praya Colonia, Santana, Praya des Juventudes, Praya des Conchas, Lagoa Azul… are only few of the Sao Tome’s natural beach capacity… but You can have even more than that.

Wild Sea Kayak

Take a kayak turn around the unapproachable parts of the island, or explore some of the small near by islands situated all along Sao Tome’s cost. You will feel breathless from the view of the Atlantic horizon and its wide blue palette.

Off road, climb and trek

You can take part in jungle trekking and 4x4 off road rides according your physical preparedness. Climb Pico de Sao Tome 2024m, as once known as highest point of colonial Portugal. Visit old colonial “Roca”- plantages of coffee, cacao, banana, palm oil etc. Try the sweet local Vino de palma, picked up directly from the highest palm trees and enjoy its natural drunkenness power. For the science oriented clients there is plenty of endemic flora and fauna to observe. Rare turtles, bats, birds, plants and flowers you can only find here.

Sao Tome civilization

Do not miss the urban image of Sao Tome as well. The anti stress life moto here is the well known “leve leve” expression meaning “take it easy”, which is used in absolutely any kind of moving activity. So don’t be surprised by slow motion life efficiency, typical for all equatorial line.
Interesting but low maintained colonial architecture is a real challenge for photography addicts. African mixture of portraits brought in Sao Tome in colonial time few generations ago are now real photo models posing for free with an unselfish wide smile. Culture and art can be seen in few museums, gallery and workshop spaces as well as in the active international cultural centres which are regularly organizing exhibitions, concerts and diverse cultural events.

Go Go push-up package

For the restless and most curious ones, we offer a never-ending adventure list: kite surfing, moto cross, rock-climbing, diving, hard-core local parties and a lot more.

Any activity you chose, you will be accompanied with experienced guides trained by our well chosen internationally specialized team.

Pricing per couple:
Promotional prices for January 2011:
3500 EU/ week
6700 EU/ 2 weeks

– Includes all boat trips, excursions, accommodation with two meals per day or one meal and a lunch package, all refreshing drinks and snacks while excursions, transport to and from airport, all local transport, rental equipment.

- Not includes museum entries, extra drinks, party entrance fees and drinks.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Portugal Climbing & Trip



(Short English below)

Minatiot mesec prekrasni dve nedeli pominavme vo podobro zapoznavanje so
predizvikuvackata Portugalija. Deset dena karpi + pet dena setanje i omor = odlicen soodnos za dobar pomin vo nepoznata okolija.

Posetivme povekje kacuvacki lokaliteti vo centralniot i juzniot del na Portugalija i zavisno od vremeto se zadrzuvavme po 2-3 dena..

Sessimbra- se naogja na 1h vozenje jugozapadno od Lisbon. Ima triesetina oklinceni sportski nasoki so tezina od 4 – 8a, i visina do 20m. Karpata e varovnik so dosta pesteri, gole

mi previsi, a nasokite se cesto podceneti pri ocenuvanjeto.

Sessimbra e ribarsko gradce i turisticki atraktivno osobeno vo letnata sezona. Raspolaga so odlicni plazi, bogata tradicija, kultura i istorija. Bogato e so slucuvanja i nastani od sportsko – kulturna priroda. Za srekja nie prestojuvavme za vreme na niskata sezona taka sto izbegnavme guzvi i neprirodni turisticki


Sagres – Po nekolku dena vo Sesimbra od lokalni kacuvaci slusnavme za gradceto Sagres kako raj za kacuvanje so stotici nasoki. Odlucivme da go posetime. Do nego se stiga za 4

-5h vozenje od Lisbon. Se naogja na naj jugozapadniot del od Portugalija, a tockata Cabo St. Vincente do 15 vek se smetala za “kraj na svetot”. Od tamu pa se do Amerikanskiot kontinent nema nisto osven Atlantskiot okean. Celiot juzen i zapad

en breg na Portugalija vprocem e sostaven od ogromni karpesti bregovi koi vo visina na

dminuvaat 50 m. Vo okolinata na Sagres ima povekje lokaliteti i sektori so razlicen tip na nasoki. Pogolem del od nasokite se kacuvaat vo tradicionalen stil, i najcesto do niv se stignuva so abzeluvanje od sidristata postaveni po ivicata na vrvot od grebenot. Se trgnuva od polica nekade vo dnoto na karpata ili od camec. Vo ovaa okolina ima i golem

izbor za “Deep Water Solo” nasoki, no imajte predvid deka zavisno od mesecot okeanot moze da bide mnogu studen.

Nie najmnogu kacuvavme vo sportski opremen sektor koj se naogja na 6 km zapadno od Sagres vo blizina na r’tot Cabo Vincente. Tamu imavme na raspolaganje 30tina nasoki so ocena od 5-7c, so visina do 15m.

Sintra – Po nekolku dena kacuvanje vo Sagres, vremeto pocna da se zatvara i dobivme najava za doagjanje na silna bura. Tie momenti se mnogu inspirativni za fotografite bidejki branovite bukvalno gi goltaat karpite dostignuvajki visina do 40m. Togas go pomianavme skoro cel juzen breg, a prestojuvavme vo gradceto Lagos poznato po svojot Arapski stil, koj e vrezan vo arhitekturata niz povekje Portugalski gradovi. Juznata oblast Algarve e poznata i za razni morski avanturi gnjurenje, surf na veter i na branovi, sportski ribolov, pesocni skulpturi i sl.

Potoa povtorno trgnavme na sever, vo gradceto Sintra- zapadno od Lisbon. Ovoj predel pripagja na nacionalen park, inaku istoriski

mnogu znacaen so svoite tvrdini, zamoci i palati. Ovde vidlivo se gleda nekogashniot aristokratski zivot denes atraktiven za turisti.

Pod glavniot ”Murs

ki zamok” ima ogromni granitni bolderi i visoki karpi opremeni za tradicionalno i sportsko kacuvanje. Toa e eden od kacuvackite lokaliteti vo voj reon, kade se naogjaat retkite/edinstvenite granitni lokaliteti vo Portugalija, so oceni od 5 – 8 ? i visina do 15tina m.

Cscais – Poslednata destinacija na pat kon Lisbon bese Cascais – pop

ularno “bogatashko” mesto so luksuzni vili, hoteli i brojni turisticki atrakcii. Cascais e spoen do gradot Estoril i se naogja na skoro 1h. zapadno od Li


Ovde e locirano edno od kacuvackite skoli na Portugalija i e dosta poseteno od lokalni kacuvaci. Sektorot Gua imase vkupno 96 oklinceni nasoki za sportsko kacuvanje so oceni od 3- 8?, i visina do 15tina m. I ovde pominavme 3 dena adaptirajki se na primorskite karpi koi konstantno se eksponirani na bura i na morski branovi i redovno se mokri nautro.

Portugalcite i onie koi gi otvaraat i gi odrzuvaat nasokite se mnogu vredni. Nasokite se cisti a klinovite i sidristata redovno obnovuvani. Ovoj kacuvacki raj ima kapacitet uste za mnogu pogolem razvoj na ovie sportovi.

Vkupno kacuvacki denovi: 10

Vkupno iskaceni nasoki: okolu 50

Prosecna visina: 10m

Prosecna ocena: 6b

Last month we spent two beautiful weeks meeting closely with the all-inclusive challenging Portugal. We’ve spent 10 days on rock and 5 days resting, excellent ratio for good fun in unknown area. We visited climbing localities in central and south art of Portugal and depending of the weather we stayed 2-3 days in each.

Sessimbra – Situated South West, on 1h drive from Lisbon it is a traditional fishing village with beautiful powder sand beaches. Around 30 bolted routes on old limestone. Lots of caves, up to 20m overhangs and bouldering areas. Grades from 4 to 8?.

Sagres – Furthest South West point of Portugal, with the markant light house on Cabo St. Vincete facing the open Atlantic, it was considered to be “The end of the world” until 15th century. The entire Southern and Western Portuguese cost is formed of steep cliffs with up to 40m altitude. It is the absolute climbing un spoiled paradise with lots of potential for traditional and sport climbing. Most of the routes start from the sea or a ledge just above it. The access is usually with an abseil line from anchors on top. A huge choice for deep water solo routes- for the ones who can support the Atlantic temperature out of summer season. We spent more time in a sport climbing developed sector on 6km west from Sagres with around 30 bolted routes graded from 5 to 7c up to 15 m high.

Sintra – Beautiful mountainous region in a national park area, 40 min drive west of Lisboa. Rich tradition and culture with amazing aristocratic architecture of villas and Moorish castles.

One of the rare Granite climbing localities in Portugal with boulders, traditional and sport routes up to 15m high graded from 5 - 8?

Cascais – The last destination on the way back to Lisbon. Cascais and Estoril – ex fishing villages, today main high class tourist destinations. Lots of climbing sectors with diverse difficulty grades. In the place Gua is situated on of the Portugese climbing school, often visited from local climbers. Total 96 equiped routes from 3-8? And many unfinished projects. Here we spent another 3 climbing days adapting on the wet solty rock constantly exposed on sea waves.

All the routes are well equipped, clean and maintained with regular Topo updates, change of bolts and anchors. Still Portugal offers a lot more climbing capacity, looking forward to be developed.

Total days climbing: 10

Total routes climbed: around 50

Average hight: 10m

Average grade: 6b

Ilina & Ilija

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kacuvanje vo okolinata na Skopje / Climbing localities around Skopje

(English below)
Kon krajot na Avgust - pocetokot na Septemvri kacuvavme na povekjeto kacuvacki lokaliteti vo blizinata na Skopje. Dolgi alpinisticki nasoki na Matka, kratki sportski nasoki na sektorot Centrala, lokalitet Matkino Trlo, Orlovska karpa na Vodno itn.

Late August - beggining of September we were climbing on most of the climbing localities around Skopje: Long routes on Matka, sport routes on Centrala, Trlo, Orlovska karpa (Vodno) etc.